Welcome to my blog!

I am a lefty. I write vertically, cannot use can-openers and was recently foiled by a right handed ladle (I will have my vengeance...) but more than this, I generally seem to approach life from a different angle. I appreciate that this may have nothing to do with being a lefty and may just be my own dysfunctionallity, but after earning the nickname 'Lefty-Flip' after a frustrating game of Guitar Hero, it seemed an appropriate title for this blog.

Friday, 6 January 2012

New Years Resolution? To shake things up...

Happy New Year! That's not me well-wishing - it's a direct order! This new year better be a happy one dammit! I am determined to make good things happen this year, or at least make stuff happen... I can't be responsible for the results!

So lets take a look at my shambles of a life then.

Number one - the Job. Well after taking two and a half years to get my foot in the door, I don't dare rock that boat! Maybe I'll start a rumour that I'm getting promoted/a pay rise and see what happens...

Number two, I am determined to get a place of my own this year. Don't get me wrong, I love my housemates, I just love my own space more! Am very excited about this, so much so that I am actually going to look at a place tomorrow... will be back to update!

Number three - The Book. the second draft is nearly done, I swear! Trouble is it needs a 3rd... possibly a 4th... Still, what else have I got planned for January but to sit indoors, eat chocolate and write? Hopefully I'll be posting that the 2nd draft is done by February (if my porky fingers will still allow me to type by then)

Number four - my weary weary bones. I have an appointment at the hospital on Monday and am viewing this as a good thing as I am done feeling sorry for myself! Really hoping it's not arthritis, but will be nice just to know what's going on.

And that's all for now! I think that's plenty to be getting on with.

While I'm in this chipper mood I best get off and do some writing!

Ahh, Fran at one with nature!

Bye for now!


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