Welcome to my blog!

I am a lefty. I write vertically, cannot use can-openers and was recently foiled by a right handed ladle (I will have my vengeance...) but more than this, I generally seem to approach life from a different angle. I appreciate that this may have nothing to do with being a lefty and may just be my own dysfunctionallity, but after earning the nickname 'Lefty-Flip' after a frustrating game of Guitar Hero, it seemed an appropriate title for this blog.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Life contemplation, Lefty style

Well this is it. My last post as a Twenty-Nine year old!

Any attempts to let this birthday slide by quietly were scuppered this morning when I walked into work to find my desk covered (and I mean covered) in banners, balloons and glitter.
People I don’t even know are currently wishing me a happy birthday as they pass by my desk! (It’s actually not till Tuesday folks!)

So for this week’s post I thought maybe I should contemplate the milestone that is turning 30.
You know, assess my life so far, decide what I want for the future do some soul searching and bare my feeling to you all…

Yeah… needless to say I got no further than three lines into that before I abandoned it in favour of Hollyoaks and half a packet of chocolate buttons…

Turns out my desk this morning sums it all up better than I ever could. Glitter, sparkles and lovely surprises. (Oh and a card that quotes Shakespeare. Well done people!)
Who cares where my life is heading? Who cares where it’s been? So long as there is birthday cake all is right with the world (There is cake, right? Someone has remembered cake? Mum?)

I have a week off work now to lounge about and enjoy myself (you know the usual - reading, writing, watching America's Next Top Model...) but my real birthday treat isn't until the 16th June, where I will be heading off to the Harry Potter studio tours!

Yep. This is what real grown-ups do on their birthdays!

Am quite ridiculously excited about this - have been dreaming of running amok in Diagon Alley since I was seventeen! I promise pictures and stories galore when I get back (unless of course I just decide to live there forever...)

In other news, I had a lovely message yesterday telling me I had been nominated for a Versatile Blogger award!

Watch this space for my own nominations – and thank you very much for the nomination Amy!

Hope you all have a fantastic Jubilee weekend, and I will catch up with you in a week!


PS – Don’t forget Race for Life is on the 9th – you can still sponsor me here! Thanks!

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